
I am billionaire subliminal affirmations Visualization video

[I am billionaire subliminal affirmation visualization video] How does it work?

😔 “I’m not smart enough to earn a six figures salary”

😔 “I don’t deserve to have a million dollar because I don’t work hard enough and I did not have a master degree in Marketing.”

😔 “No one will pay for my artwork because I am just a nobody.”

Many of us may have negative thoughts like these, sometimes frequently.
When we think like this, our confidence, mood and outlook can become negative too.
The problem with negative thoughts is that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies.
We talk ourselves into believing that we’re not good enough.
As a result, these thoughts drag down our personal lives, our relationships, our careers and keep us poor financially.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.

When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.

Listen to this subliminal affirmation + visualization music video, repeat daily  for 21 days, and focus on imaging you are a successful happy person who travel a lot for leisure and work, start getting a feeling of joy and excitement that one day you can be a billionaire and enjoy a healthy life.

Remember that affirmations are most effective when you use them alongside other strategies, such as goal setting and inspired actions.

What is in this I am billionaire subliminal affirmations video?

I have been playing YouTube videos playlist 9 hours a night, almost every night for the past few years. To re-program my sub-conscious mind when I sleep.
I have always wanted to make my own version and voice, so I can play my vision board “mind movie” and manifest my dreams.

In this video I imagine myself as a success young lady boss who would travel everywhere for work and leisure, living in Air B&B and retreats all over the world; she enjoys life, love to relax and have a cup of tea, in a hot bath listening to soothing music. Her cyrptocurrency and gold silver investment brining her unlimited of money so she can do what she love. She is also aware of her spiritual vibration and always ascending to love, life is fun, ease and joy for her. She eats healthy foods and exercise therefore she has a fit and healthy body.

I gathered images that match with my vision, adding three tracks of positive affirmations statements with healing music, created this 19 minutes video to watch every morning and before bed. 

Melbourne bride running in Japan for her destinated travel wedding photos captured by award winning wedding photographers Black Avenue Productions
I am billionaire affirmations visualising bitcoin and gold price go up using law of attractions
Young lady taking a bath in outdoor retreat listening to I am billionaire affirmations music

I am billionaire affirmations list:

I am billionaire subliminal affirmations statement by Lowina Blackman the money mindset coach

I am comfortable with billions of dollars.
I effortlessly attract and manifest everything I desire.
I see abundance, goodness, love and well-being.
I am manifesting miracles. Inspiration and ideas flow effortlessly to me.
Opportunities always arrive at the right time.
I am grateful for this life of happiness, abundance, love and fulfillment.
I love the feeling of money pouring into my life.
I love the feeling of receiving this money.
I love the feeling of receiving such large amounts of money.
I love the feeling of receiving large amounts of cash.
I am excited to see large amounts of money coming to me.
I am excited to be receiving large amounts of money.
I love the feeling of money pouring into my life.
My life is joyous. I am blessed.
I am truly blessed. I am grateful.
Everything I do is successful.
Everything I do is a great success.
Everything I do is successful.
I am successful in all that I do.
Everything I do is an outstanding success.
I always visualize success.
I easily visualize success.
I always visualize success as my outcome.
Every morning I wake up, just grateful.
My heart is filled with happiness and gratitude.
I greet each day with rich gratitude.
My life is full of countless blessings.
Every goal is completed successfully.
Every goal and dream is achieved.
I excel in all that I do.
I excel in all that I do and success comes easily to me.
I think BIG. I act fearlessly. 
I Radiate Positive Energy.
I am a wealthy billionaire.
I am a multi-billionaire.
I have the ability to attract one million dollars.
I am worth a billion dollars.
I joyously accept millions of dollars into my life.
I rejoice in being a billionaire.
I release all of my past beliefs that have prevented me from becoming a billionaire.
I deserve to be a billionaire.
Money is energy in manifest form.
I now draw that energy to myself by freely releasing my talents to the world.
I provide value worth millions and millions of dollars.
I am eternally grateful for the honor of being trusted with a billion dollars.
I have the talent and knowledge to create a billion dollars.
I make concrete actions toward creating a billion dollars.
Millions of dollars flows to me easily.
I love and enjoy having a billion dollars.
I love the feeling of having a billion dollars in my bank account.
Every day, I appreciate my life more than ever.
Gratitude fills my soul with warm feelings of love and light.
I acknowledge all of the greatest things in my life right now.
I feel gratitude for my good health.
I am deeply grateful for my perfect health.
I feel grateful for my health and for many years of well being.
I am grateful for everything and everyone that is part of my life.
I feel very grateful for all the relationships in my life.

I am so happy and grateful that I am a bitcoin billionaire now quote

I am a billionaire.
I am a wealthy billionaire.
I expect to have a billion dollars.
Being a billionaire is my birthright.
Millions of dollars are coming to me.
I have a billion dollars in my bank account.
I am attracting millions of dollars.
Money is flowing to me now.
Money comes to me effortlessly.
All of my dreams are coming true.
Life is fun, easy and over-flowing with abundance.
I speak of success and prosperity.
My words uplift and inspire others.
I trust the universal spirit of prosperity to provide richly for me now.
Prosperity and abundance surround me.
I am grateful for everything that I have.
I treat life as the ultimate gift form universe.
I appreciate every experience in my life.
My life is full of so many things to be grateful for.
Each Morning I pause and give thanks for another day of life.
I am grateful for all the positive things that are still yet to come my way.
I welcome money into my life.
Money just pours into my life.
Money just pours into my bank account.
Money just pours into my pockets.
Money just pours into my wallet.
Different amounts of money show up for me.
I love the feeling of receiving this money.
I love the feeling of receiving such large amounts of money.
I love the feeling of receiving large amounts of cash.
I am excited to see large amounts of money coming to me.
I am excited to be receiving large amounts of money.
I can manifest my desires out of nowhere just like magic.
I can manifest money quickly.
I can manifest relationships quickly.
I can manifest anything that I want quickly and effortlessly.
I am manifesting my desires right now.
I am making my dreams come true right now.
I am focusing on my desires right now.
I am manifesting my desires right now.
I manifest my desires 24 hours a day.
My desires appear right in front of me.
My desires come every day.
My desires show up all the time now.
My desires show up when I am awake.
My desires show up when I am sleeping.
My desires show up when I am eating.
My desires show up when I am out having fun.
My desires show up when I am out shopping.
My desires appear out of nowhere.
I can manifest my desires in the shortest time possible.
I am a super magnet for my desires.
I give generously to myself and others.
I see prosperity everywhere.
I attract prosperity like a powerful magnet.
Wealth and prosperity is circulating in my life.
I live a charmed life.
I attract prosperity with each thought I think.

I trust you enjoy this manifesting video with I am billionaire subliminal affirmations statements.
I’ll make another one just for cryptocurrency, gold and silver investment success affirmations next, stay tuned!



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